Ever wondered what it takes to be an award-winning adventure photographer, exploring the most rugged landscapes from Iceland to Indonesia, all to get that shot you set out in search of? Meet Lloyd Evans -- the Bath-based outdoor-addict who has worked with some of the biggest names in travel and tourism around the world.
To find out what has been his most memorable trip yet, how he has kept his wanderlust alive during lockdown and his favourite destination in the UK, we recently caught up with Lloyd (and his trusty coffee flask) to hear all about his life as a travel photographer:
How did you become a travel photographer?
I fell in love with travel photography when I visited Iceland, the rugged landscapes and raw beauty of the place is spectacular. It inspired me to want to see more of the world. What I love about adventure photography is discovering new places - whether they’re hidden gems in the UK or overseas. I grew up in the Brecon Beacons in Wales, but I don’t feel I truly appreciated it until photography really opened my eyes. It has definitely made me notice the world around me and enjoy being out in nature.
Can you tell us about the most adventurous photography shot you've taken?
In 2018 I stayed on a boat for three days in Indonesia’s Komodo National Park, it was an incredible adventure. Witnessing some amazing sights and coming face to face with a Komodo Dragon on Komodo Island. The sunrise I witnessed on Padar Island is still one of the most memorable to this day.
Whilst we've not been able to travel what’s kept you busy?
Exploring more of the local area and finding more of an appreciation for the beauty of the places on our doorstep. I’ve also been working on creating a print store and presets to give back to the community.
What has been your most epic adventure moment yet?
That's a tough one. I've had so many fantastic opportunities to travel, from working with the Indonesian Tourism Board and Jasper Travel to exploring for the love of it - including Iceland, a little of Norway and closer to home in Scotland. Some of the stand out moments have to be witnessing a sunrise on Padar Island in the Komodo National Park in Indonesia, and seeing the glacial lakes of Canada particularly the wolf shaped - Peyto Lake in Canada.
What does your trip of a lifetime look like?
For me the trip of a lifetime would probably be a road trip from Southern American up to Western Canada, exploring Patagonia, the WCH and British Columbia.
Do you have a favourite place to explore in the UK?
My favourite places in the UK have to be Scotland and Snowdonia, the mountainous landscapes appeal to me. I think Snowdonia is really an underrated gem in the UK often passed over for the Lake District and Scotland. If I had to choose a city I think it would have to be Edinburgh, for me its the perfect mix of new and old city.
Do you have any tips to explore more sustainably?
During the pandemic I was acutely aware of my footprint. I feel I’m now more conscious to travel in larger groups, along with purchasing more eco and sustainable products as well as finding a love for Camping. Especially in the Scottish Highlands.
Lastly, what 3 things can you not travel without?
I always have my camera gear, laptop for editing on the go and a coffee flask on me where ever I travel to.

Click here to see more epic shots > instagram.com/lloydevansphoto / www.lloydevansphotography.com
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