Earth Day 2022: Remember what we are protecting.

  • Stubble & Co
  • Sustainability
Earth Day 2022: Remember what we are protecting.

Today is Earth Day, a reminder that we need to do more, put earth at the very front of our thoughts, commit to life-changing actions and remind ourselves that there is no Planet B. 

That’s what got us thinking, about those photographs we all saw during the pandemic, of smog-free skies over London, clear waters flowing through the once murky Venice canals and wildlife reclaiming cities all over the world, all of it serving up some kind of proof that nature needs us to keep striving for better. 

That’s what we are trying to do as a brand with sustainable practices entwined into every stage of every process. The materials we source, the quality of the bags we make, the timeless designs we champion, the recyclable packaging we use and the messages we manifest. We are not perfect but will keep striving to be the best we possibly can and help protect the planet in every way we can. 

To celebrate Earth Day, we have collated these amazing images of the most incredible places around the world, as a reminder of what we are protecting. A reminder of what this day – and every day – is all about.


The Alps - @Arnohetzenecker

Seeing the first light of dawn creep down the mountains of the French Alps is a moment that steals your breath, your mind whirring as you try to imagine the natural forces that shaped these mammoth peaks. That’s the power of nature, two tectonic plates colliding millions of years to go, forcing the ground to pierce the sky with a 1000-metre high mountain range. Yet it only takes seeing a summit at sunrise to appreciate the world around us.


Tindhólmur, Faroe Islands - @Darylswalker

Hiding amongst frothing swells of the north Atlantic, the Faroe Islands are an 18-piece arpelangelo of lush, almost-supernaturally beautiful isles that feel serene yet rugged, grand yet adrift, totally isolated yet brimming with wildlife, each layer-cake mountain and craggy cliff formed by nature. That’s exactly what Tindhólmur is a reminder of; this emerald green crag rising up from the ocean like the spine of a sleeping dragon.


Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan - @Withluke

Wadi Rum is everything you could expect of a desert and more. A place with so many natural extremes you can’t help but exist in awe: from the intense summer heat to the big winter freeze, the sunrises that slice through the sculpted canyons to the sunsets that leave long shadows across the sandy floor, Mother Nature created every piece of this incredible landscape.


Torres del Paine - @Chiditty

Nowhere on earth serves as a better reminder of nature’s unrivalled beauty than the Patagonias of Southern Chile, and Torres del Paine is the panoramic heart of this incredible – and incredibly remote – landscape. Serrated shards of granite pillars soar high into the sky, puncturing the clouds thousands of feet up, while teal lakes, emerald forests and azure glaciers only add to the diversity of this landscape. And yet nature has made it almost inaccessible to all except the most hardened adventurers, as if to protect her serenity, beauty and perfect isolation.


Monument Valley - @Pete_ell

There’s not a landscape on earth more naturally iconic than the vistas of Monument Valley, the red limestone buttes and mesas rising up from the desert floor to create one of the most dramatic, epic and beautiful destinations imaginable. Yet it’s the seemingly barren landscape surrounding the brick-red spindles that heightens the drama. One minute you can be wandering amongst an endless expanse of sand, rocks and a cloudless sky, and the next moment you’re standing in the shadows of a 1200ft crimson tower that’s painted every colour of the sunset.


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